FAIRY Mining Schedule

The vesting schedule is algorithmically specified as follows: the first 24 days since launch features extremely lucrative returns for yield farmers with 1.7M FAIRY tokens released through liquidity mining: 100K FAIRY daily release for the first 10 days and 50K FAIRY Daily Release after the first halving happening on Day 10; starting from Day 24, the number of FAIRY daily release “halves” at a rate of 80% every 40 days. This pattern continues into perpetuity. For reference, during the first four years, roughly 9,697,404 FAIRY will be distributed to liquidity miners cumulatively. The full schedule of distribution of FAIRY in the liquidity mining allocation is shown below.

The liquidity mining program starts on mainnet launch and will cover the following pools on FairySwap:

FAIRY mining rewards will be allocated per pool proportional to liquidity as calculated by the total value in the pool, adjusted by reward multipliers. To reward early holders of fairy tokens for their dedication, evangelism and engagement which secure the sustainability of the protocol, FAIRY trading pools are configured with higher initial multipliers.

Last updated