FairySwap Launchpad

‍An (IDO) Launchpad, refers to the launching (initial fundraising) of a cryptocurrency on a decentralized exchange (DEX). In an IDO, a project debuts its coin on a DEX to raise funds from retail investors.

Fairyswap Launchpad Tutorials

What to Expect in a Fairyswap Launchpad

To be eligible for the IDO Launchpad of your preferred project, stake (at least 100) FAIRY-FRA LP tokens; then you’ll be able to purchase the project's token with $FRA tokens, and help fund the project's development.

Visit https://dev.fairyswap.finance/launchpad to checkout Fairyswap Launchpad on testnet.

Before the sale

  • Deposit Fairy & FRA tokens in the liquidity pool to acquire at least 100 FAIRY-FRA LP tokens.

  • Stake a minimum of 100 FAIRY-FRA LP tokens to subscribe to the launchpad you wish to participate.

After the sale begins

  • Stake a certain amount of FRA tokens as a pledge for token purchase.

  • Each wallet can subscribe to the whitelist once.

  • Staked FRA tokens cannot be taken off.

  • You can choose your preferred amount of subscription, usually users are offered 3 tier of subscription levels.

After the sale ends

  • When the sale is complete, you may claim the launchpad tokens you've bought, and redeem the staked FAIRY-FRA LP and any over-subscribed FRA tokens.

  • There is no fees to participate in the Launchpad on Fairyswap.

Disclaimer: please read the terms and conditions on the Fairyswap Launchpad page before you make any transactions.

Other Frequently Asked Questions

Learning about Listed Projects

The IDO is a limited-time event thus you'll want to check the proposal in detail for the IDO timeframe to ensure you don’t miss out! Check the project pipeline under Upcoming Sales. Also check FairySwap’s official social media accounts for news about upcoming Launchpad projects.

What is “Oversub” method?

In the “Overflow” method, users can subscribe from any tier of the subscription level they prefer and their final allocation will be pro rata to the amount of funds they put in at the time the sale ends. Users will receive back any leftover funds when they claim their tokens after the sale.

What happens if the IDO doesn't raise all the funds targeted?

The sale will proceed as normal, and all funds contributed will be spent. Any extra or “oversubscription” will be returned to the user.

Want to launch your own IDO?

FairyLaunch incubates innovative, high-quality projects, after a rigorous selection process (we prefer privacy-oriented projects). It brings your token to our active and growing community. Apply for an IDO.

Last updated